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- Principal's Report
- Religious Education
- Sports News
- Lacey Library News
- Mt Carmel Awards - Week 4 & 5
- School Fun Run!
- St Patrick's Day - Daytime Disco!
- Boot Bash - Monday 17 March
- 2 Blue Friendship Ninjas!
- 3 Green Pilgrims of Hope
- 3 Red Science with Mrs Goode
- Gardening Club Decorating Pumpkins for the Yass Show
- Clean Up Australia Day Photos
- Pancake Breakfast Photos
- Hartigan House Wins Pancake Race!
- Mt Carmel Uniform Shop
- Clothing Pool - Open Tomorrow
- Lost Property
- Yass Gymnastics - Karaoke Disco Night!
- Marymead CatholicCare - Foster Care Information Session
- Yass Valley Concert Band - Performance
Dear Parents, Teachers and Students,
St Patrick’s Day
Next Monday, 17 March we are going to celebrate St Patrick’s Day by going green and wearing our favourite boots!
All students are invited to wear green and their favourite boots (or runners if you don’t own a pair of boots!) and bring a gold coin donation. All raised funds will be donated to Caritas’ Project Compassion and the Country Education Foundation. Caritas Australia's Project Compassion invites us to Unite Against Poverty and take action to make a lasting difference. The Country Education Foundation promotes and enables equal access to further education and career opportunities for rural and regional youth irrespective of background, circumstances or location through community-based encouragement and financial assistance for higher educational opportunities, with some of our past students being fortunate enough to benefit.
The day will begin with a Prayer Assembly in the PAC, hosted by 5GREEN and Ms Grace. We are also going to host a St Patrick’s Day Disco for all our students. We will dance some Irish jigs and enjoy some Irish bands. Thank you to our SRC for organising this event for our students. The SRC will be selling food, drinks, St Patrick’s Day tattoo stickers and glow stick bands at the disco. All items for sale will be either 50c or $1 - K-2 will have the option to attend at recess and the 3-6 Disco will be at lunch.
Canteen Re-opening
I’m very pleased to announce that, following a selection process, Jess Regan has been appointed as Mt Carmel’s new Canteen Manager. The canteen will be open for lunch orders only this Thursday and then recess and lunch orders on Friday with a limited menu. The Canteen will resume normal operation (recess and lunch orders) from next week.
A tradition of the Catholic Church, linked to Lenten fasting, is to not eat meat on Fridays during Lent. Consequently, our school canteen will have a modified menu until Easter, with cheese and mac and fish burgers available on Fridays in place of meat products.
Pancake Breakfast
Last Tuesday, our Pancake Breakfast was a great success, and I thank all the teachers and student leaders who came to school early to help prepare and serve breakfast. The Pancake Race was proudly run by our Student Representative Council after Recess, with the winners being Hartigan House for a second year in a row – Congratulations!
Ash Wednesday
Last week we celebrated Ash Wednesday, the day that marks the start of the season of Lent – a time of prayer, almsgiving and fasting in preparation for the celebration of Easter. Ash Wednesday comes from the ancient Jewish tradition of penance and fasting. The practice includes the wearing of ashes on the forehead. The ashes symbolise the dust from which God made us and to which we will all, one day, return. We began our school day with a prayer assembly, led reverently by Mrs Karakotas, Mrs Goode and 3RED, and students received ashes on their foreheads as a symbol of humility and penance.
Project Compassion, Caritas Australia’s annual Lenten appeal has begun and we encourage each family to contribute to this appeal via the Project Compassion Box that your child has taken home. Many will be familiar with the idea of giving something up for Lent; however, this is also a time of reflection of where we can listen to God’s word and follow his call through our loving actions. Lent is the perfect time to commit ourselves to a positive action for the good of others.
Save the Date - Colour Run!
Our Community Council Team is organising a Colour Run Fundraiser! It will take place on the last day of Term 1 - Thursday 10 April. Please register your child using the following link: Additional Information can be found further in the Newsletter.
The annual National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) started today for our Year 3 and Year 5 students with their Writing test. Tomorrow it will be Reading with Conventions of Language on Friday. Due to our St Patrick’s Day Celebrations on Monday, the Numeracy test will be postponed until Tuesday, 18 March.
There will be an opportunity for students who are away to sit catch-up tests; please email if your child is absent and you would still like them to complete NAPLAN.
We have started Friendology this year which includes a free parent membership with lots of amazing resources to support your child. This week we are learning about What is a Friendship Fire?: In this podcast interview, learn all about why friendship skills are important and how we’re supporting kids through URSTRONG’s Friendology curriculum to put out their Friendship Fires.
May God’s peace be in your families during our Jubilee Year of Hope
Religious Education in the Classroom
Welcome to Week 6! 5GREEN Buddies helped 1GREEN explore the Bible and find the Old Testament (OT) and the New Testament (NT). 1GREEN students learnt that the OT tells stories about God and His love for His people and the NT tells stories about Jesus’ life and His teachings.

5RED and 1RED students went on their own pilgrimage around Mt Carmel School and St. Augustine’s grounds.
Over the last two weeks, 2BLUE and 2GOLD celebrated Friday Parish Mass in the Lovat Chapel.

Catholic Schools Youth Ministry Australia (CSYMA) Junior Program
Mt Carmel School implements the Catholic Schools Youth Ministry Australia (CSYMA) Junior program. CSYMA is a four-phase method that provides a model of student formation. It is an effective model of evangelisation and formation integrated into the Religious Education curriculum. The four-phase model consists of an initial retreat experience, Religious Education resources, implementation of the Junior Ministry team and connecting students into the broader Church community.
This Friday, Yr 6 students will participate in the Journey with Jesus Retreat, led by the Youth Ministry team of the Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn. Journey with Jesus is a faith and ministry experience that delves into core concepts of the Catholic Faith. The retreat is tailored for primary school students and is based around the Gospel messages of love, salvation, and forgiveness.
Religious Life of Mt Carmel School
ASH WEDNESDAY Prayer Service
Thank you to Mrs Karakotas, Mrs Goode and 3 Red for preparing and leading a reverent prayer service to mark the start of Lent season.
Every year, countless people turn Lent into a demonstration of faith, love and generosity. You can be a part of this incredible community, who believe that there are simple actions we can all take to “be more” for our world.
Please remember to send in your donations for Project Compassion and help make the world a fairer place for all. Let us be more!
Thank you for your support and donations for this great cause.
St Augustine’s Parish News
Please pray for the children as they prepare for their first Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Benedicta Barker
Giorgia Cavazzoni Pederzini
Chevy Leahy
Chella Macdonald
Cooper Sadlowski
Nicholas Da Deppo
Elsie Townsend
Harrington Roser
Charlie Butt
Hugh Davaris
Lachlan Inkster
Hayden Spring
Zoe de Sisto
Evie Mitchell
Roy Mitchell
Harrison Cunynghame
Mikayla Clements
Delilah Inglis
Alexander Warhurst
Children's Liturgy
Children are invited to attend Children’s Liturgy every second and fourth Sunday of the month.
Enjoy your week!
Eva Karakotas
Religious Education Coordinator
Northern Region Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to those students who participated in the Canberra Goulburn swimming carnival in Boorowa last Monday. The students all did really well and were great ambassadors for the school and region.
Congratulations to Fletcher Lees who made it onto the combined Canberra Goulburn/Wollongong AFL team to play at the MacKillop trials is Wagga Wagga on the 25th of March.
Sports Trials
If you have children in Year 5 or 6 who are interested in trialling for Canberra Goulburn sporting teams, please check the following website regularly for upcoming events:
Canberra Goulburn Netball Trials (Girls Only) - 2525
Date: Thursday 27th March 2025
Location: Southwell Park - CNA Netball
Address: Northbourne Avenue, Lyneham, 2603, ACT
Time: 8:30am - 3:00pm
Team Manager, Megan Hergenhan
Canberra Goulburn U11's & U12's Rugby League Trials - 2025
Date: 27th March 2025
Location: Southwell Park
Address: Northbourne Avenue, Lyneham
Time: U11's - 9:00am - 12 noon , U12's: 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Please note: Students turning 13 in 2024 are no longer eligible to trial for primary rugby league
Registration: All students that are trialling for the Canberra Goulburn team are to complete the online registration through the CSNSW Sport Website;
Cost: $20 per student – to be paid by the parents via the CSNSW Website on registration.
Uniform:School Sports shirt. Football Shorts and Socks and all protective gear that is worn. Please note that Mouthguards are Compulsory – Headgear is strongly recommended
Ted Dunstan
Sports Coordinator
NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge 2025
The NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge has commenced for 2025. All students K-6 are invited to complete the 2025 Challenge.
The Challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students. While completing the challenge students are able to experience quality literature from a variety of authors and literature styles.
Students can include books read from the end of the 2024 challenge, August 23 2024 on their 2025 reading record. The 2025 challenge will conclude on Friday 22 August 2025.
The booklist has been updated for the 2025 challenge. Click on the booklist on the website for further information. Many of the PRC books are available in our school library.
The Premier’s Reading Challenge website has reset all previously participating students' usernames and passwords. If your child has completed the challenge previously they will not be able to use their previous usernames and passwords.
New passwords have been given to students who completed the challenge in 2024. Use these new login details to start completing your 2025 Reading Log online.
If your child is completing the challenge for the first time in 2025 or you are returning to the challenge after not completing it in 2025, please email me at and I will provide you with login details.
Thank you
Thank you very much to Esther Payne for donating a number of book to the library. It is very much apprecaited.
Kind regards,
Natalie Broers
Teacher Librarian
Congratulations to the recipients of the Week 4 Mt Carmel Awards.
These awards were handed out last Friday, 7 March, at morning assembly.
K Blue Jacky McRae Angus Watson |
K Gold Aggie McCrone Tom O'Brien |
1 Green Lillian Drybrugh Amelia Berekoven Sebastian Sadlowski |
1 Red Luca Davis Rigel Barker |
2 Blue Mila Boyton Halle Davaris Lewis Gianchou |
2 Gold Sophie Gannon Olivia Christensen Edward Dryburgh |
3 Green Benedicta Barker Dane Hewett Chevy Leahy |
3 Red Rosalind Clark Charlie Jol River Newman |
4 Blue Mackenzie Arnold Oliver Irwin |
4 Gold Harriet Powell William Walsh Barney Rainger |
5 Green Gracie Lyons Claire Coster Vincent DaDeppo |
5 Red Jessica Hardy Ivy Howarth Cecilia Candido Pinheiro Gabriel Dunstan |
6 Blue Chevie Stansfield Milton McDonald |
6 Gold Molly-Ann Howarth James Roe Dylan O'Reilly |
Congratulations to the recipients of the Week 5 Mt Carmel Awards.
These awards will be handed out this Friday, 14 March, at morning assembly.
K Blue Isabell Moss Prudence McMullen |
K Gold Marley Eade Stevie Eldridge Milton Matthews |
1 Green Avari Driver Lydia McDonald |
1 Red Harper Vukojevic Conor Mulholland-Brown |
2 Blue Lola Sanford Rosella Jones Feliks Burzynski |
2 Gold Kaylahn Carroll William Gillies Christopher Privett |
3 Green Adelaide Honan Samuel Logue Nicholas DaDeppo |
3 Red Keziah Mathew Elsie Townsend Zachary Pholi |
4 Blue Zoey Watson Roy Mitchell |
4 Gold Chloe Lyons Baxter McDonald |
5 Green Aria Hodgson Jack Maher Edward Shannon |
5 Red Jasper Jones Jake MacDonald |
6 Blue Poppy Smith Hugh McPherson |
6 Gold Amelia Hooper Magnus Felizardo |
Parent Letter
Hi Mt Carmel families,
We are holding a School Fun Run this year. We will be raising much needed funds in the lead up to our event, so we’re asking all families to pitch in!
We are super excited to announce that we will be holding our event on Thursday 10 April on the sports oval!
What is the School Fun Run?
It is an online fundraising program, where all families go home and create their own online profile. You then choose your target prizes and work towards hitting your target! In your profile you will have a unique cyber safe link to share with your family and friends to donate to get you close to your target.
What do we need you to do?
All we need you to do this week is create an online profile at The first class to have all their profiles completed, will all get an icy pole!
Also, in the second week of our campaign, keep an eye out for the Wristband Competition for a chance to win a $500 Prize Credit!
This is an inclusive fundraiser we would love you to be apart of! If you would like to come down and watch your kids run, we would love to see you there!
Thank you all in advance,
Mt Carmel Community Council
We have received our new school back packs and are now available to purchase on Qkr!
Ordering Options - Uniform orders can be placed online via Qkr! or by order form, which can be collected and paid for from the front office.
All Qkr! orders placed before 2pm each Thursday will be bundled up and sent home with your child on Friday afternoon. Order Forms can be collected from the front office if needed.
Please note that if the incorrect size/item is ordered or the size selected does not fit correctly, please return the item along with a note regarding changes required to the front office, so the correct size/item can be sent home.
The Clothing Pool will be open tomorrow, Thursday, 13 March.
It will be closed next Thursday (Week 7).
Opening Hours: 2.30pm-3.30pm.
Location: in the Music Room, next to the Uniform Shop.
Any profit made from the clothing pool will be directly donated to the Vinnies Food appeal generally held twice a year.
If you have any questions, please contact Liz on
If any of these items belongs to you or your child, please pop into the office to collect it.